We moved!!!
We moved from Payson back to Orem in January and are all settled in our new home and LOVING IT!! Our home in Payson on the 5 acres with the farm animals and the big home was fun for the 3 years we lived down there, it was an adventure, but its a chapter of my life that I am glad is past. We are now living in Orem again and I couldn't be happier. Travis is close to work, so his commute is only 5 minutes, which means he gets to spend more time with us girls. Doctors, grocery stores, gas stations, everything is so much closer, and I'm loving that especially with my little girl. I had forgotten how I loved the convenience of being in the city. There will be a few things I miss about Payson, the quiet and space that we had out there was wonderful and the experience of owning Llamas, goats, horses, chickens, and other farm animals will always be a fun memory. Having Llamas watch you eat breakfast through the kitchen windows or going and getting fresh eggs from the chicken coop for breakfast will always be fun memories. But like all great stories, chapters end and new ones begin.
This home is the home that our little angel, Alice will grow up in. And because of that I love this house and move even more!
Travis and I love the character that comes with older homes. We had originally thought of building when we decided we were going to move. But decided to look at older homes. We found the perfect home that still had a lot of the old charm but was nicely updated and modern but had enough projects for us to do to make it ours! It has been amazing! Travis and I have been happier than we have been in a long time! (the stress of trying to have a baby not being an issue anymore I'm sure has helped in this happiness ;) )
Now can you guys believe that my little Peanut (Alice) is going to be 6 months old this WEDNESDAY!!!!!!!!! Because I'm having a hard time believing this!
She is such a smart, fun, loving girl and I couldn't be more happy and blessed in my life to have her as my daughter. She made me a mother, something that I have wanted and worked so hard for!
I know everyone says this but my girl really is the best baby ever, she hardly ever cries unless she is tired and I'm trying to keep her awake or she is hungry.
She sleeps in her own crib now (tear) and sleeps 12 hours straight!!! I put her down at 8:30pm and she wakes up about 8:30am. AMAZING
She has learned to love her rice cereal and fruits and veggies! It seems she can't get enough of them! so far her favorites are bananas, apples, blueberries, and sweet potatoes. She did not like the sweet peas but who can blame her.... i don't even like those. :)
I want to take a moment as a mother and just share my love, joy, opinion, and complete gratitude for my Father in Heaven who looks out for me.
In the 4 years we struggled with infertility and IUI failures and Invitro success and then failures over and over again all I prayed for and dreamed about was becoming pregnant, delivering a healthy baby and raising that child the best i knew how. I would pray and beg over and over again, " please just let me have one child." And he did eventually bless me with Alice, and i couldn't be more thankful.
Now of course Travis and I would LOVE more than anything to have more children, we always dreamed of having 5-6 kids. But if Alice is the ONLY child we conceived and raised, I would be OK with that. It is after all, what I had prayed and wished so hard for.
Some women may never get the opportunity or blessing of raising at LEAST one child of their own, and this breaks my heart and makes me realize how much I have.
I understand the heartbreak and sadness that comes when you want children, or more children and it doesn't come easy.
For me when I was having a hard time I had to always remind myself to look at what i DID have and not what i didn't.
So if the time comes and we can't have another child or it is really hard and takes along time again I know that I at least have my amazing handsome husband and my amazing beautiful angel of a daughter Alice.
Now don't get me wrong, we will try for more kids and we will try and try and try, but if it doesn't come easy, you will NOT hear my complaining or publicly crying or looking for sympathy from others because I have A child of my own. And it is such a blessing.
I hope what I'm saying is coming off the right way and that I don't hurt feelings. This is just my opinion, the way that I feel about this. That if you have a child and you are publicly complaining that you cannot have more, to stop and think about the women who don't even have one child and may never have a child of their own, to be sympathetic. Of course you have the right to be sad and to do what you want of course, I'm just saying to make sure your not rubbing it into peoples faces.
When i was trying for our first baby it really hurt me when someone was trying for their second or third or even fourth child and were struggling maybe a little or had maybe had a few loses in-between children. They would tell me, " i know exactly how you feel, its so hard." The fact was, NO they didn't know how i felt they had children to keep them busy to love, snuggle and take care of while i was here, childless.
So remember to love who you have. My favorite quote that i found during our Infertility struggles was,
"The things you take for granted, someone else is praying for." I love that, it keeps my focus on where it should be. :) OK end of that!!! Sorry if that was a little deep or random or blunt but this is after all my blog and maybe i wanted to remind myself for the future, or give a gentle reminder for others who may not have thought of this.
Here is what little miss Alice has been up to in the last 3 months since i blogged
-she is eating rice cereal and baby foods now!!
-she holds her own bottle
-she can easily roll from her tummy to her back (hates being on her tummy)
-her eyes are still blue and i think they will stay that color! They are a gorgeous icy color.
-no teeth still
-but she drools SO MUCH, she is always soaking wet
-loves to chew or suck on everything
-loves eating from her new highchair
-sits up pretty great but will still fall over from time to time
-LOVES people!
- she also loves the dogs and cat!
-loves to hear music
-she sleeps through the night in her own room in her crib
-loves her bath time and splashing
-loves phones and cameras
-loves mirrors, or maybe just herself in mirrors ;)
-she recently started sharing her Binky with mom and dad
-loves to watch the dogs play fetch, she laughs so hard at them!
-and she loves to swing outside on our porch swing with mom
She is starting to kind of reach for me but not there completely yet. I can't wait for her to actually reach for me and give me hugs! Things I'm excited and look forward to :)
This little girl along with her daddy are my best friends and my everything that i have on this earth. I couldn't be more grateful! My heart is so full and happy right now!
Thanks for reading and seeing whats up with us. here are a few pictures!! (the best part I think)
And that's our sweet girl! I'll try and post more often but if you want pictures I'm most consistent with Instagram. feel free to follow us at @orianat13 for pictures!!
Thanks for reading.