Thursday, March 3, 2011

Chlomid update

So i have taken my first round of Chlomid and am super excited for this month! I don't think they had much of an effect on my emotions but i cant be sure, i mean i was super emotional for the time i took them but i also attended a funeral for someone i loved dearly! so I cant really say if they had an effect on me :) But all in all everything is great! It just seams to be taking forever til i can take that pregnancy test! but i am patient and keeping myself busy! Yay!! haha
On other news, I scheduled an appointment for Rue to get fixed on Tuesday, which was the soonest they had. So my poor little Rue is going on Tuesday to be cut open... :( they better not ruin my beautiful fun spirited cat or ill kill them!!! I'm nervous for her but at the same time it will make her life so much more pleasant! Like dramatically more pleasant, my poor cat goes into heat like every other week!!! its so miserable.
Koda is growing slowly but surely and is more of a spirited demon than before but we sure do love that little pug! :)
Nothing else has really any updating to be done... so this will be a short post!...... I'm sure the next post will be much more exciting... maybe, hopefully! ha

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